Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ridding Yourself of Toxins

With everyone and their mothers being on a health kick, detoxing has become a very popular trend. People spend their free time drinking liquids that rid their bodies of the things that drag them down. They believe that they will feel better, more joyful, more light on their feet, if they get this stuff out of their bodies. Maybe that works for some people but for others it is not their physical bodies that are so bogged down. Ever thought it might be your physical surroundings? I'm talking JUNK! 

Junk can affect our entire lives. It sneaks its way into all the nooks and crannies of our homes and it will not go away without some TLC. Drawers are filled to the brim with pocket change, notes, receipts, all the pests from our pocket books and weekend get away bags. Junk is toxic. Random built up of things that are no longer useful or interesting can make us feel like the walls are closing in on us. When you move in, your home seems so much larger than 10 years down the road. You escape your home that you used to love for a get away from all the crap you've collected. Sitting at home is not longer relaxing because it reminds you of all the things that you should, could, and would be doing if your body felt like moving. As an Interior Design student, I have studied how the environment we live in affects our moods. What I've learned through school and my OCD self has changed the way I work. 

Many people don't even know what is affecting their mood. For me, as an organization freak, any amount of clutter can put me in a mood. I will be so grumpy and begin to build up so much anxiety sitting in a messy room. I'm not a clean freak, I'm a neat freak. When the stresses of school and work begin to overwhelm me, do you know the first thing I do? You would think that I would begin to outline what needs to be done in these areas and get to work right away - but that is not what I do at all. For me, the best way to lose this feeling is to clean. Clean isn't the right work- I rid. I make my space I will be working in completely spotless - Not one item out of place. Then I get to work. Sometimes I will completely throw everything out of my closet, make a donation pile, make a trash pile, re-organize everything that is left, and put it all back together. After that, my school work can begin. It sounds crazy, but it works for me. I mentally feel 100% better, I feel like I accomplished something, and I can then focus on what is pressing on me with no distractions. 

Organizing your life can reduce your stress level an obscene amount. When you are ready to begin a project or just homework, not being able to find your things takes up half your time, raises your blood pressure, and stresses out those around you as well. It's not worth all the time searching for a pen, a hammer, socks, whatever. Next time your life is feeling overwhelmed consider the source.

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